UPDATE: The In-State Mover data has been moved and consolidated into the "Voter File Appends" Custom Field. More information on that change can be found in the link below: 


Similar to the 'Party Switchers' target, the 'In-State Movers' target was created by comparing the most recent voter file updates with past ones to identify those voters who have moved within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 

Voters who moved into Kentucky from another state will not appear in this target.

Once these have been identified in the analytics warehouse, these voters are sent to a saved list in Votebuilder to create the "In-State Movers" target. 

To start the target, voters who have moved have been identified for each voter file update in 2021, as shown below. To allow users to see who has moved into their county or district, the targets that have been created are as follows: 

When using this target, users will need to keep in mind that this is all voters who have moved into the area; if the user wants to find just Democrats, they will need to also select 'Democrat' under the 'Party' section in Create A List as shown below:


Moving forward, with each voter file update, additional targets will be created to identify during which update the switch occurred. For instance, someone who has moved between the June 2021 and July 2021 voter file will be called: "In-State Movers: July 2021 Update".  

Following the end of campaign cycles, these targets will be further condensed to consolidate target slots. All in-state movers within the same year will be combined into one target, as shown below:

Campaigns and users incorporating monthly targets will need to update their search criteria to the '2021 - Movers Consolidated' target as targets are deleted.