Please note: Following the 2022 Election Cycle, the Public Education Employees Activist Codes will be consolidated into Custom Fields. More information on that can be found in the link below:
Campaigns will receive shared commodity Activist Codes that can be utilized in creating targets or removing individuals for a variety of reasons.
2022 Public Education Employees: Listed as "22_PublicEdEmployee" in Votebuilder; updated version of this dataset.
In order to provide fresh data on Public Education Employees in Kentucky, KDP was able find publicly available information on these employees in Kentucky based upon Educator Certifications. The data collected from this source included the individuals First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name. Using methodology similar to what is mentioned below, this dataset matched on the individuals name and counties. An additional step was to compare the 2022 list with the 2021 list to find overlap, and that was pushed to VAN.
2021 Public Education Employees: Listed as "21_PublicEdEmployee" in Votebuilder; new version of this dataset.
In order to provide fresh data on Public Education Employees in Kentucky, KDP was able find publicly available information on these employees in Kentucky based upon Educator Certifications. The data collected from this source included the individuals First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name. Using a mix of the DNC's Voter File Match and manual matching on full name using SQL, the first batch of voters recorded in Votebuilder include nearly 32K total Kentuckians. Additionally, nearly an additional 24K individuals were partially matched (matched on First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name) to the Voter File and 10.5K of these passed several confidence tests that resulted in them being loaded into VAN.
For more information on this activist code and how it was compiled, please view the slide deck below:
Public Education Employees (Please note that this data was created in February 2018 and has not been updated): Now listed as "18PublicEd.Employee" in Votebuilder to version the code.
Through Vertica list matching and our data volunteers during the 2018 Midterm, we have captured over 70,000 public education employees’ registrations into the voter file. While 30,000 are Republican we found that over 50% of the Republicans in this activist code that we talked to supported our state house candidates and approximately 40% were Undecided. This was last updated in February 2018.
Do Not Text (Please note that this data will constantly update based upon other campaigns texting operations):
Through use of text messaging programs during the 2018 Midterms, 2019 Primaries, and likely through the remainder of the 2019 Coordinated Campaign, voters who respond STOP or DO NOT TEXT are added to this Activist Code.