In this article, users will learn more about the best practices and data standards that KDP asks campaigns and organizations to adhere to in order to have the best data possible.
Failure to adhere to these practices and standards will result in the inability to sync events and signups to the shared MyCampaign committee throughout the General Election and potentially having user access permissions revoked.
Naming Conventions
In order to correctly identify events in MyCampaign, those submitting and/or creating events will need to adhere strictly to our standard naming conventions for the VAN Event Name (screenshot below) when creating events in Mobilize or directly in MyCampaign.
For all events in Mobilize, the VAN Event Name is mandatory so that events can be properly identified in VAN and transferred to the correct MyCampaign instance, if applicable.
The naming conventions for events are defined as:
Standard: OfficeAbbreviation_Purpose - Event Type_YYYYMMDD
Example: Secretary of State: SOS_Phonebank_20231031
Auditor: AUD_Textbank_20231031
Attorney General: ATG_Meet+Greet_20231031
Treasurer: TRS_Rally_20231101
Agriculture Commissioner: AGC_Canvass_20231031
Repeated Event
If creating an event that needs to repeat, when scheduling the event in MyCampaign, please select FREQUENCY → DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY.
DO NOT create an event running across multiple days, such as repeat phone bank opportunities starting on 8/1/2020 (10:00 AM to 8:00 PM) to 11/3/2020 (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM). Doing so will create one long event (screenshots below) that will create bad sync data into MyCampaign that will be difficult to sync back to individual committees.
Successfully set up repeating events will appear as follows:
Slate MyCampaign
In addition to being granted access to the KDP’s Mobilize instance (, campaigns will be granted access to the KDP Slate - 2023 Votebuilder committee as set forth in the Coordinated buy-in documentation.
When an event is created in the KDP Slate instance, the event and signups will sync into the Coordinated MyCampaign committee. Campaigns will be able to track their volunteers’ and their sign up status through the MyCampaign.
To avoid duplication of efforts and keep communication lines streamlined, each campaign will be allowed two users at the Organizer access level in the Mobilize instance. These users will be allowed to create and publish their own events to the platform based upon their access level. If necessary, additional users will be able to submit events as needed that will be published pending KDP approval through the Distributed Organizing feature.