Default Survey Questions & Activist Codes for Your Campaign
As campaign committees are set up in Votebuilder, we create two (2) template survey questions and one (1) template activist code for the campaign’s voter contact efforts.
The pair of Survey Questions include the standard Candidate ID Question on a 1 - 5 scale to measure support levels and a Volunteer Ask to identify potential volunteer leads. In the event of a competitive primary with multiple candidates (more than two), an additional Candidate ID Question - Opposition Preference* - will be created to most accurately record information on which opponent a voter may be specifically supporting.
The naming scheme is created to more accurately catalog and find survey questions in Votebuilder and are tailored to each candidate. This is done to better provide support to campaigns at scale and - if additional survey questions are needed, please let us know and it can be created in the committee.
This naming scheme breakdown is:
SR = State Representative, SD = State Senate (District)
Type | Long Name | Medium Name | Short Name | Question |
Candidate ID | SR_##_Last_MMYY | SR##_MMYY | ##ID | Can CANDIDATE count on your support for OFFICE, District ##, in the Democratic Primary on Election Date? |
Volunteer | SR_##_Last_Vol | SR##_Vol | ##V | Are you interested in volunteering with our campaign? |
Candidate ID* | SR_##_Last_Opp | SR##_Opp | SRO | If LEAN or STRONG OPPONENT, please use cues and best judgment to determine who the voter is supporting. |
* Opposition Preference, if needed.
In addition, a Vote Method will be created for the Primary and General Elections. The Primary survey question will be created for each campaign to track this data on their own. During the General Election, however, there will be one question called "24_KDP_VMG" that will be shared among PARTISAN RACES only to consolidate this data and ensure that all this information is housed in one central location for campaigns to use.
Vote Method ** | SR_##_VM(P/G) | SR##_VM(P/G) | VMP/G | (P)rimary --> Do you plan on Voting-By-Mail, Early, or on May 16 (Election Day)? (G)eneral --> Do you plan on Voting-By-Mail, Early, or on November 7 (Election Day)? |
If a candidate is in a Primary where the top vote getters will move onto the General (such as City Commission/Council races), a Commit to Vote survey question will be created in order to make voters think about committing to vote for that specific candidate - amongst others.
Naming Scheme: City Name/Office Abbreviation_LastName_C(ommit)T(o)V(ote)_Primary
Type | Long Name | Medium Name | Short Name | Question |
Action | CC_Last_CTV_P | CC_CTV_P | CCP | The May Primary will narrow the field to the top __(Number of Candidate) candidates to be on the ballot this fall for __(OFFICE)__. Can __(CANDIDATE)___ count on your vote in the Primary to ensure they are on the ballot in November? |
The Activist Code included in the committee has been created to mark supporters who are interested in displaying a Yard Sign. As an Activist Code, individuals talking to voters will be able to solely indicated ‘Yes’ they want a Yard Sign without worrying about other options.
Type | Long Name | Medium Name | Short Name | Question |
Visibility | SR_##_Last_YS | SR##_YS | YS | Can we place a small yard sign in front of your house to show your support of CANDIDATE? |