Through the Kentucky Democratic Party's Mobilize (formerly MobilizeAmerica) account,  county parties across the Commonwealth can use Mobilize's distributed organizing feature to create and publish events through the KDP's account. 

County parties - and their various caucuses/clubs (Democratic Women's Club, Young Democrats, etc.) - are able to create and post events,  then use the event link to collect signups. Mobilize is an excellent tool to promote various events, like tabling sessions, voter registration drives, meetings, rallies, watch parties, and even signup forms for things such as yard signs! 

As such, county parties will need to abide by certain standards for accounts they created to ensure the data can sync to their MyCampaign instance (on a one day delay).

County parties should not create or post candidate specific events or events on behalf on candidates. For events, the user can choose the name for the public facing event name (the 'Event Name' box under Basic Information); however, the user will need to always specify a VAN Event Name, and adhere to the following naming scheme: CountyName_Purpose-EventType/Group_Date

An example of this scheme would be: 

- Fayette_Meeting-FCYD_20210701

- Fayette_Booth-4thofJuly_20210704

- Fayette_Canvass-DayOfAction_20210801

The naming scheme should allow viewers to know who is hosting the event (County), what the event is (Purpose-EventType), and when it takes place (Date).  

Along with the naming scheme keeping data orderly in MyCampaign Events, the scheme will help update the MyC database when it comes to data points such as Activist Codes and Supporter Groups. For instance, clubs/organizations using Mobilize including their name in the VAN event name will allow users to mark all participants into a support group.