1) If a user has already been permissioned to view reports created by KDP through the Votebuilder Users' Google Group, the user can go to Google Data Studio to view all reports they have access to. Most times, users will see the following screen after typing in and entering the following URL: https://datastudio.google.com/overview..


2) To view reports that are available, the user will need to click on "Home" at the top-center of the screen. 


3) Doing so will take the user to view of the reports they have created, recently accessed, or those that are shared with them. To view all reports shared by KDP, users will need to click "Shared with me".


4) Users will be able to scroll through the reports that were recently viewed ("Recent" tab) or those that were shared with them  ("Shared with me"). 


- "I'm logged in under my account but cannot see anything": If there are multiple Google accounts logged in at once, please navigate to the top right hand corner of your screen, select your photo and a drop down will show all Google accounts that are logged in. Make sure you go to the correct Google account (aka the one that is in the Votebuilder Users' Google Group). 

- Some reports will be filtered on the email addresses of users to control report access. If you run into such a report, you will be required to 'Grant Consent' to gain access to the report's data. Click the 'Allow' button (shown in the screenshot below) to be granted access.