In order to help campaigns track a voters status in the voting process and to standardize data for campaigns in Kentucky, a campaign specific survey question has been created for each campaign to help them track the way in which voters say they will vote in 2022.

This question/tracking system is similar to those created in 2020 in both the primary and general elections, but have been optimized for greater clarity.

PRIMARY ELECTION QUESTION: Do you plan on Voting-By-Mail, Early, or on May 17 (Election Day) for the Primary Election?

GENERAL ELECTION QUESTION: Do you plan on Voting-By-Mail, Early, or on November 8 (Election Day) for the General Election?

1 - Will Request VBMVoter will request their absentee/vote-by-mail ballot
2 - Will Return VBMVoter has already requested their absentee/vote-by-mail ballot and pledges to return it
3 - Received VBMVoter has requested and received their absentee/vote-by-mail ballot but has not yet returned it
4 - Voting EarlyVoter plans on voting early, in person, but has not done so yet
5 - Voting E-DayVoter plans on voting on Election Day, in person, but has not done so yet
6 - Already VotedVoter has already cast their ballot, either as an absentee/vote-by-mail ballot, early vote, or on Election Day