For a thorough walkthrough of how to text in ThruText, please visit the following link:

For a step-by-step guide for your texters, please use the following articles. Please note that texters can use their SMART PHONE or TABLET'S BROWSER but there is not 'ThruText' app you can download on your phone. To more easily send out all the text assignments, a helpful word of advice is to use your computer's browser and a mouse to click 'send'.

Step 1: 

If this is a users first time sending texts through ThruText, you will need to send them an invitation to create an account:

If this is an experienced user, you will still need to send them an invitation but this time they will accept the invitation to join that organization:

Step 2: Once your users are in ThruText, they will be able to gain access to their assignments (the texts you want them to send). The names that pop up on the left hand side initially are the called the Initial Messages that texters will need to send:

It is advised that texters send out all their Initial Messages first, and then wait for replies to come in.

Step 3: As replies begin to come in, texters will be able to respond to those they are texting. Depending upon the size/purpose of the assignment, the administrators can create Recommended Replies that can be sent based upon a received response. Recommended Replies can ensure texters stay on message. With Recommended Replies, a texter doesn't need to worry about typing the whole thing out - options on the right hand side will allow them to pick their reply and autofill it into the message box, then just hit send. For more information on using Recommended Replies, please visit:

Step 4: As replies come in, texters will also need to mark the appropriate answers to Survey Questions based upon the purpose of the texts being sent. If Survey Questions are enabled correctly through the API, the results will sync into Votebuilder in almost real-time.

Step 5: Another response that texters will need to be on the lookout for are Opt-Outs. However, please be careful and follow best practices regarding Opt-Outs, as marking that will opt-out both the Voter and that number even if it's a wrong number. For our best practices, please read 'Wrong Numbers', 'Do Not Text!', and 'Best Practices' here:

For more information on ThruText's opt-out, please visit:

Step 6: Once a conversation is completed, using the 'Archive' button will hide those conversations from your inbox. If, after marking 'Archive', the voter texts back, it will appear back in your inbox.