For a thorough walkthrough of sending your list from Votebuilder to ThruText, using that list (referred to as an External List) to create a Group, and then creating a campaign, please watch the following video: ThruText Walkthrough
For ThruText's step-by-step walkthrough, please use the links below:
Step 1: Pulling a Saved List from Votebuilder to ThruText as an External Contact List:
Step 2: Using an External Contact List to Create a Group:
A) To ensure that responses and results sync over from ThruText back to VAN, please make sure VAN ID's and the PhoneIDare included and selected in the Group's Custom Fields. For more information, please visit:
Step 3: Creating a Texting Campaign from Your Groups:
Congrats! By following these steps, you will have just brought in a list from VAN and created your first texting campaign!