Event Status Definitions

Here is a run down of the event statuses that you will use when signing people up for a shift, updating their status, and closing shifts. 

“Open” Statuses

These statuses are for events in the future and should not be used or remain after the event has occurred.

First recruitment attempt  - no attendee response


Sent an email or left a phone message with event info.


Texted information about the event.

First recruitment attempt  - attendee responded


Attendee said "Yes" when first asked.


Attendee said "Maybe" when first asked.


Attendee said "No" when first asked.  This is only used if recruiting for a major event, where we might call a person several times asking about the same event.  

Online contact


Attendee signed up via public website.

Confirmation Statuses


The way these statuses are used will vary campaign to campaign, please talk to your supervisor about how you will be using these statuses.

Conf Twice

Conf Thrice

Left Msg

Left a message with the shift information.

“Closed” Statuses

These statuses should be used after the event has occurred to indicate the volunteer’s participation.


Attendee attended.

No Show

Attendees did not attend and did not tell us beforehand they would not attend.


Attendee told us ahead of time they would not be attending.