MyCampaign is a database designed to track and manage volunteers and their activity and interaction with your campaign or organization. It is connected to, but separate from your MyVoters database. It is most commonly used by large organizations and campaigns with staff dedicated to maintaining and updating volunteer records. All MyCampaign data is private to your committee except in the case of the Coordinated Campaign. This guide will go over some of the basic features available and their use case. Every campaign will use these tools in different ways, so please defer to your supervisor for specific training and guidance.

How do records get into MyCampaign?

Every new committee starts with a completely empty MyCampaign. This allows you to track just the contacts or volunteers you choose. 

There are several ways to get new records into MyCampaign. The easiest way to add a voter to MyCampaign is to view that voter in MyVoters and click “Add to MyCampaign” in the “Voter VANID” section.  Another common method is to use the MyCampaign Quick Lookup screen and click “Search My Voter File”. Users who can create Survey Questions can set them up to automatically copy people into MyCampaign based on their responses. Administrators can also push lists of people to MyCampaign. Certain actions within MyVoters will also create MyCampaign records for those voters. To load external lists into MyCampaign, please contact the KDP Data Director to ensure proper matching and upload mapping.

Per NGPVAN, the maximum total that a committees' MyCampaign instance can hold is 5% of the MyVoters records. 

Main Menu


As you can see in the image above, MyCampaign looks very similar to the MyVoters database, and in fact contains many of the same functions. These include creating lists of people, tracking your outreach to them, Survey Questions and Activist Codes, canvassing, calling, and data entry tools, and more. Most of these functions work almost exactly the same way as they do in MyVoters, so we will not cover them in depth here.

There are also some very useful tools in MyCampaign that are not available in MyVoters, especially Events.


Events is a feature in MyCampaign that allows you to create Events and track the people who attend them. Events can include canvasses, phone banks, house parties, or other campaign gatherings. You can sign volunteers up for an event, track whether or not they showed up, and search for volunteers based on past events they have attended in your committee. This makes it a very powerful tool for campaigns to track the activity of their supporters and make sure their volunteers stay engaged in the campaign. Administrative users will also have the ability to link their events to online sign-up forms that can be shared via digital channels.

For more guidance on Event Creation, Event Types, Roles, and Locations, and best practices for using VAN Events, please see the series of documents starting here

Conclusion and Further Reading

Many small campaigns will find that they do not need to use MyCampaign. If you have any questions about any other features of MyCampaign, or how best to use it for your campaign or organization, please contact your VAN Administrator or the KDP Data Director.

For more detailed guidance on Coordinated Campaign MyCampaign procedures and recommendations, please consult the string of documents starting here:

Looking for Someone in MyCampaign