Together with the DNC Voter File Processing Team, after a deep dive into the raw voter file the State Board of Election makes available, we were able to find the 'Date of Registration' is available on the Voter File.
To release valuable and precious target points, these targets were removed from VAN after the 2020 General Election.
Due to voter file updates no longer have the registration date, the DNC and KDP worked together to find a best solution to determine new voters added to the file between updates.
The end result is the `KY_reg_date_target` target. With each new voter file purchase and processing, new voters on the file or those that have changed addresses since the last voter file purchase will be assigned this target and when they first appeared on the file.
For instance, people that were new to the May 2019 voter file ahead of the 2019 Primary show up in targets as:
KY_reg_date_target : May - Newly Registered Voters 2019
If a campaign or organization wants to include these voters in their lists, they will need to select the `KY_reg_date_target` target to add those folks.
In total, we have three Voter Reg Date Targets presently loaded into VAN:
- KY_reg_date_target : May - Newly Registered Voters 2019
- KY_reg_date_target : Sept - Newly Registered Voters 2019
- KY_reg_date_target : Oct - Newly Registered Voters 2019
- KY_reg_date_target : March - Newly Registered Voters 2020