Step 1: Go to the “My Turfs” for walk lists
“View My Folders”, enter the Folder of the list you’re looking for and load that list for call sheets.
Step 2: Select the turf/list you wish to print. You can select multiple turfs at once.
Also, you can see the folder holding the turf in case you want to share the turf with another user. See bottom of the guide to learn how to share turf.
Step 3: Once you have selected the turf you wish to print go to Quick Action tab on the top right-hand side of the screen and select “Print”. It will confirm the turfs you wish to print and bring you to the “Print Page”
(Note: IF you wish to send to MiniVAN instead of actually printing please follow this guide here.)
Step 4. Once you are on the “Print Page” you will need to select three things first.
First, you must select a report format. We recommend you use !KDP Updated Walk List if your goal is to ID supporters and find volunteers.
Next, you will need to choose a script. Scripts are what volunteers say at the door but they also serve to allow you to record data in your VoteBuilder of any responses the voter gave to your volunteer. Every campaign has a bare-bones script that matches their default report format created for them but we recommend you learn how to create a script here.
Finally, you must select what type of contact you are making. If you are knocking doors you want to select “Walk”
When naming your list for printing, please utilize standard naming conventions to keep track of completed lists/packets. Suggested Standard naming conventions are as follows, space permitting:
CountyName_PctName/Number Activity_MMDDYY
Fayette_A101 Walk_04-08-19
Jefferson_C101 Phone_04-08-19
Step 5. The final step on the “Print Page” is to select how to people appear on the pages. You do this by changing sort order. Depending on how you want to knock doors we recommend one of two options.
5.1. Canvassing in rural/suburban areas/not separating pages by odds/evens: We recommend you do this step for all canvassing unless you are knocking doors in densely populated turfs and have a friend knocking one side of the street (odds) while you knock the other side (evens).
Deselect the “Odds/Evens” sort order and deselect all page breaks
5.2 Canvassing with two people in urban/suburban areas:
As an opposite to Step 5.1 you want to keep “Odds/Evens” selected and allow page breaks from “Odds/Evens” and “Street Name”
Step 6. Finally, once you have selected your sort order you want to hit print at the bottom of the page. Make sure you also select “Print Two Copies of Cover Sheet” if you have multiple people knocking the turf together. There are other options on this section but we recommend you leave everything default.
It will then bring you to a page to download your printable turfs which you can also find on the main page here.
If you followed the Step 5.1 this is what your turf should look like. (With the KDP Walk List 2018 Report Format)
Check out our guide on how to enter data from your printed lists here