Congratulations! You’ve finished cutting your turf for canvassers! ‘Now what,’ you may ask…
After cutting turf, to access those, you will need to go to 'TURFS' under the canvassing section. Clicking on 'TURFS' will pull up all the turfs you have cut or have access to.
As you will see below, the precinct has been cut into 7 unique turfs yet we have not assigned it (as evident by there being no List Number under Last Out/Distributed and a 0 in MiniVAN Status).
If you want to cut turf and divvy it out as needed instead of all at once, you will go to ‘My Turfs’ as shown above. When you have a canvasser knocking doors (either with physical walk sheets or MiniVAN), you will select the drop down in each row as shown below.
From here, you will either GENERATE LIST NUMBER or SEND TO MINIVAN USER.
If choosing GENERATE A LIST NUMBER, that number will need to be provided to volunteers to enter into their phones. If choosing SEND TO MINIVAN USER, the MiniVAN user will need to have an account within the Votebuilder committee where the turf was cut.
After that point, they will have 30 days to complete the list and return the results before the list expires.
As demonstrated above, Turf 01 has been distributed as a List Number for canvassers to knock with. The list number for that turf will expire in 30 days but the other turfs will be able to have list numbers generated at another time/date.