Where to go to cut turf:

To cut turf you must have a list created. If you do, simply go to the “My Lists” page. From there select “Cut Turf”.

Keep in mind your doors must be less than 5,000 per list. If they are more you will be unable to cut turf.

Warning: If you do not enter the data from turfs you cut and printed within 30 days you will lose that data. Make sure you enter data within the same day or week. Email VoteBuilder@kydemocrats.org if you have lost data, we can recover it for you.

How to cut turf

Step 1. Click where you want to begin. A dot will appear. (See above)

Step 2. Continue clicking around the houses you want to become a turf. A polygon will start to take shape enveloping any houses inside the polygon. (See above)

Step 3. Finish the polygon once you have enough houses inside your turf. To finish simply click on the first dot you made, connecting the shape into a polygon. (See above)

Best Practices for Cutting Turf

  1. Cut more lists than you need: The last thing you want to do is have an extra volunteer show up and have nothing for them to do. A good best practice is having one or two more turfs than you think you’ll need for your volunteer canvasses.

  2. 30-50 doors for 2hr suburb walk, 15-30 doors for 2hr rural walk.

  3. Make sure your turf is walkable: You know your districts. Make sure you aren’t having your volunteers have to cross a highway or walk on a dangerous road with no sidewalk. Also, keep an eye on rivers, roads that are near each other but don’t connect and extremely rural “hollers”. These may not be feasible to cut turf as certain turf made will force your volunteer to drive long drives for what looks close but isn’t.

Finally, Save & Finish once you have cut enough turf for the next day/weekend. 

You will be asked to save the Map Region in a folder of your choosing and to name the Region. To more easily locate the Region and Turfs moving forward, standard naming conventions are suggested, such as:

CountyName_PctName/Number Activity_MMDDYY

Fayette_A101 Walk_040819

Jefferson_C101 Phone_040819

Your turf will now be in the “My Turfs” section of your VoteBuilder and you can start assigning them to MiniVAN or print them out for volunteers to knock.