Four Report Formats have been created that align with the Default Survey Questions & Activist Code. The different report formats were created with different intents in mind. Two are for traditional phone banking, one is for GOTV calls, and the last is for canvassing door to door. 

With the two traditional phone banking formats, one has been developed to show the Preferred Phone Number on the voter’s profile while the other has been developed to show their Cell Phone Number. 

KDP Updated --- Preferred Phone Number Report Format

KDP Updated --- Cell Phone Number Report Format

With the format for GOTV Calls, this report has been developed so that the campaign can print their entire phones universe on paper, if needed. The format includes both the voters' Cell Phone and Preferred Phone Number, address and polling location, and a column for First Pass and Second Pass of calls.

KDP Updated GOTV Scratch Calls (GOTV Calls) 

As the campaign works on their first pass of calls, they can write the responses of the voter in the 1st Pass column. If the voter says they are voting and supporting the candidate, for example, the next caller will know to call this person in the second pass of calls. However, if the voter is supporting the opposition or not voting, the caller during the 1st Pass can write that response and ‘Scratch’ the voter from receiving a call during the 2nd Pass. 

The final format is similar to the first two phone banking formats and has been developed for canvassing door-to-door and the responses you would expect to get.

KDP Updated --- Walk  (Canvassing)

KDP Updated --- Absentee 2022 (Phones)

Similar to the other phone formats, the "KDP Updated --- Absentee 2022" format allows campaigns to ask voters what their planned Vote Method is and track that response through a survey question created within their committee.